

With Roel Beetsma and Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen. Finans/Invest, 2021 .

Working Papers

Do Pension Fund Investments Make a Difference? Effects on Firm Productivity

With Roel Beetsma, Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen and Dario Pozzoli (CEPR WP) (VoxEU column)

Abstract: We construct a comprehensive ownership dataset merged with the Danish registers to explore firms' productivity responses to a pension fund investment. Our analysis demonstrates that pension funds raise firms' productivity by investing in their equity. These results are robust to the consideration of selection issues and a large set of refinements, which show that the effects are larger for unlisted firms. We also find evidence to suggest that the increase in productivity tends to be larger the longer the duration and the larger the equity investment by pension funds.

Work In Progress

Firm Innovation and Pension Fund Investment

With Dario Pozzoli and CĂ©dric Schneider

Pension Fund Investment in Denmark